Dear EMBUA member,
The EMBUA Executive Board has been meeting to set up the upcoming 2023 season. The meeting schedule for the 2023 season among other important decisions that have been made are included in this Newsletter . There have been several changes and additions for the upcoming season, so please review the information in this notice and the updated information at carefully.
Due to small member attendance the last few years and the high increase of goods, the Eboard as decided to forego the banquet this year. In its place will be a Sunday morning brunch where we will gather together to recognize our award recipients and enjoy our fellow umpires’ company to kick off the season. The date is tentatively March 26, 2023. We should have anything confirmed by Monday and will get information to you then.
The annual has been at $75.00 In order to avoid long lines and to speed up the dues paying process, you are encouraged to mail your dues to EMBUA Treasurer, PO Box 831, Medford, MA 0215 or use the Paypal option. The Paypal site is being updated and should be available the first of the week. We will notify you of this once it becomes live. Dues must be paid by the second General Membership Meeting on March 13, 2023. Members wishing to participate in the Annual Business meeting must have their dues paid.
EMBUA Website Update
Please go to the Association website and check that all your contact information is correct. Make any necessary corrections and be sure to save the corrections; especially your email address and telephone number. If you experience any problems logging in with correcting any information, please contact Secretary Don Dabenigno for assistance.
There will be two (2) Harland “Sonny” Robins Scholarships of five hundred (500) dollars each; one to a son and one to a daughter of a member in good standing and/or members who are in good standing and who has been accepted to, or are currently enrolled and working toward an undergraduate degree. Application forms are available on the EMBUA website ( If you feel your son or daughter qualifies (graduating from High School through junior year in college) please fill out the application on the website and return to Don Dabenigno at a meeting. The scholarship recipients will be selected at the Annual Business Meeting on April 11, 2023. Applications must be received by March 27, 2023; no exceptions!
Most, if not all, commissioners require a yearly Arbiter Sports fee. It’s a minimum fee. Check with your commissioner(s) about their Arbiter Sports fee and let them know about your availability. BLOCK all specific days between March 30, 2023, and July 3, 2023, that you are NOT available. The Commissioners cannot assign you to work a high school games if you have not completed your MIAA registration requirements; see below.
The dates for the season’s meetings are listed below. All General Membership Meetings are held at the Malden Irish-American Club. In order to accommodate requests about earlier meeting times and the difficulty about meeting once the high school season begins, we have changed the days and starting times of some meetings to accommodate members’ needs. The Eboard set the attendance requirement to be five (5) out of eight (8) meetings.
The meeting schedule and starting times are listed below:
March 6, 2023 7:00PM
March 13, 2023 7:00PM (membership dues is due by the end of this meeting)
March 20, 2023 7:00PM
April 3, 2023 7:00PM – Annual Business Meeting
April 11, 2023 7:30PM
April 24, 2023 7:30PM
May 2, 2023 7:30PM
May 8, 2023 7:30PM
All members planning on umpiring high school games (varsity, JV or freshman) are required to register with the MIAA and the MIAA requires all game officials to complete the NHSF Concussion Test prior to the season. You can access the MIAA registration information and the Concussion Test login address by going to the members section on the Association website and going to the MIAA registration tab.
We need every members’ help with identifying prospective new members. If you know anyone who is interested in becoming an umpire, please direct them to the information on our website; Although classes will begin February 19, 2023, it is not to late to register for the class. If you have any questions about the candidates’ clinic, please contact Interpreter Tom Clews at 617-666-0629;
The pre-season test will be distributed shortly and completely it is a requirement of all members prior to the season. The exam will be reviewed at a General Membership Meeting.
The retired status is a membership status is for any member who has retired from actively umpiring ALL games, high school and summer ball, and is a member in good standing. This membership will afford the member all the rights and privileges of an active membership designation. If you would like to be listed as a retired member, please contact Don Dabenigno.
John Ventura will again be at our meetings for anyone needing to replenish their equipment and/or uniforms.
Other responsibilities to take care of:
All officials must register annually with the MIAA and pay the $10 per sport. Returning officials must confirm pre-populated information and complete all steps of the registration process. You do this by signing into your personal online Arbiter Sports account and then select “MIAA State Office – Central Hub”. That will take you to the MIAA Registration Page. Or, you can go directly to, then scroll down and select the Arbiter Sports Icon on the left side of the page.
2) COMPLETE MIAA BACKGROUND CHECK (if yours has expired)
Check the Arbiter Sports, and then the MIAA State Office – Central Hub, to see if your background check has expired. The background check only has to be done every three years. Each official must use Arbiter Sports to register with the MIAA each year. New officials will have to complete the MIAA Background check and pay the $45 fee, plus the $10 for the sport of football.
To be in “good standing” you must have paid your annual dues must be paid by the second General Membership Meeting.
Most, if not all, commissioners require a yearly Arbiter Sports fee. It’s a minimum fee. Check with your commissioner(s) about their Arbiter Sports fees and let them know about your availability. BLOCK all specific days between March 25, 2023, and July 3, 2023 that you are NOT available. The Commissioners cannot assign you to work a high school game if you have not completed all of the above requirements (MIAA $10 baseball fee, background check, EMBUA dues, etc.)
Have a great season!
Don Dabenigno